Thorsten Distler
MA Translator + Certified Copywriter + Certified Fitness Trainer

Yoga websites and magazines

Translation and copy-editing of yoga magazines and websites (May 2013 to May 2014)

Five years of yoga practice – at times with up to three classes per week – prepared me well for this project series. As the copy editor, I was able to rectify stylistic errors and inconsistent terminology, ensuring the necessary clarity. The publisher subsequently entrusted me with the localisation of several entire magazines. Different sections covered topics such as exercise routines, Ayurveda, philosophy, spirituality and yoga retreats.

The mix of specialist knowledge and strong philosophical influences of the yoga culture (Vedas, yoga sutra, etc.) presented a particularly appealing challenge.

I went on to translate the two books 10-Minute Yoga Calm (10 Minuten Stille durch Yoga) and Everyday Yoga, for which further in-depth knowledge and practical yoga experience were required.



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